Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Back in the saddle

Wow!  It's really been awhile.  My foray into the arcade cabinet building world behind me now, and the winter months firmly in my rear-view mirror, I can get back to collecting my NES carts.

This past Sunday I returned to the flea market only to find that one of my regular go-to guys for nes games had re-filled his coffers and stocked his table with a bunch of new games that I didn't have.  If money were no object I probably would have slapped down a lot more than I did, but instead I exercised some restraint and only parted with a few bills.  In the end I still think I got a great haul.  Combined with a few games I got here and there since my last collection update I sit currently at:   326 carts

My personal favorite acquisitions from the past little while would be:
The Lone Ranger, Supercars, and Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure.

A couple of quick plugs, I use the app:  Nes Collector to organize my game collection.  It's an easy-to-use app for maintain quick lists of the games you have, the games you want and even allows you to export lists via email.   For more info check out their homepage:


and to view my game collection online go to:

8bitbobby's nes collection on puregaming.org