Today I received a package in the mail from Etsy! This box was the culmination of 2 months worth of correspondence with the seller. I started off by inquiring about a game she had listed back on April 6th. After I got a quote for shipping to Canada the seller mentioned that she had some other games that she hadn't listed yet. She sent several pictures and I ended up getting 3 games in the lot. It took a little bit of coaxing to get the item shipped off, but it finally arrived today and I couldn't be more excited. She had mentioned she would throw in a nintendo related item for my patience, but I had no idea she was going to put in all of the extra trimmings she did. The box contained: the 3 games I ordered, an extra game (Super Mario/Duck Hunt), 2 sticker packs, a Yoshi Pez dispenser, a Pacman Keychain and a "10-doh" collectible figurine.

One set of stickers says they are from 1992. The other set look to be from Donkey Kong Country for the SNES and come from Yugoslavia! The 10-doh figurine is a Lootcrate Exclusive called: 1point 21 jiggawatts and is a clear take on the Back to the Future movies. The Pez dispenser is Yoshi from the Super Mario series. This one is very cool because it also adds to my wife's amazing Pez collection nicely! I'm rambling on and on and this is just the throw-ins. But they are very nice to say the least!

The etsy lot added 3 new games to my collection: Tiny Toons Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland, Where's Waldo and Arkanoid. Of the 3 I think Arkanoid is my favorite. It represents another port from the Arcade world and unseeded one of my games on the rarity list (according to my game collection app). Even though the lot took a little while to reach me, the meticulous care she took in shipping and all of the extras she sent more than made up for the delay! Etsy, though a haven primarily designed for Crafters and Artists, is a great place to find deals on retro games.
Nes Carts: 506
Licensed games: 467/687