Sunday, 21 July 2013

... The New Batch (NES Update: April - July, 2013)

Wow... my last entry was way back in March.  Guess this is why I'll never make a living as a blogger.  Let's see... when we last checked in my collection had grown to 326 carts.

Unfortunately I got caught up in my Arcade cabinet software installations and didn't keep better records of where and when I got my last couple bunches of games, but  as of today my collection now stands at:  366!

My favorites from this last batch of games are the 2 American video carts:  Puzzle and Pyramid, my 2 new black box games:  Gumshoe and Ice Climber and my arcade ports:  Joe and Mac, Xenophobe, Mappy and 1943.  In addition I added Yoshie's Cookie, Gremlins 2, another Camerica Gold cart in Quattro Arcade, and of course a few of the Tengen games: Klax and especially Pacmania!

According to my collection analysis I still have a LONG way to go in obtaining a copy of each game released, but I have collected 44.74% of the complete series thus far.  I thank my luck stars that not only does my wife allow me to house this collection in our dining room but that she picks up games for me when she sees them too and is responsible for a lot of the titles I have managed to procure over the years. Along with the games I picked up a couple of new manuals: Tetris, Breakthru, Tag Team Wrestling, Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, and Deadly Towers.  I have now gathered 38 unique and complete instruction manuals.  Not all that impressive, but it's nice to get them every now and then without having to fork over money that I'd rather put towards rounding out the cart collection.  Looking forward to the next big milestone which will be reaching the 400 mark.  Any predictions as to when that might happen?  Leave your guesses in the comments below.

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