Sunday, 1 June 2014

Nes pickups - June 1st!

In the words of Chris Farley (as Todd O'Conner from Bob Swerski's superfans): "That's a baker's dozen for me".  Never been big on superstitions myself but I'm willing to consider thirteen lucky.  My previous entries have touched on how I've been searching for games a little off the paths less traveled. On two recent trips stateside I came up empty handed and only found a handful of items on my last few car trips.  Never would I have thought that just around the corner from my house (literally four houses around the block) I would find a stockpile of games for sale by a neighbor. 

I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived at the seller's front door because the listing was a guessing game with a lot of the titles difficult to make out in the pictures provided.  The night before (with only the light of my laptop to guide me) I felt like a forensic tech trying to clean up closed circuit images and make viewable the grainy outlines of letters in the ad.  I sharpened the images, resized them checked them against google images as to the guess of the colors vs letter placements and tried not to make too many assumptions as to what the games might be.   I was so anxious to finally see the titles in the cardboard boxes when his garage doors went up that it was difficult to hide my excitement.  I'm not sure if most people can relate to this feeling, but game collectors (or I suppose collectors of anything) know this feeling all to well;  that pure rush of adrenaline that comes from seeing that thing you are looking for right before your eyes.  The titles I got from his lot were as follows:  Dragon's Lair, A Boy and his Blob, Wrecking Crew, Ikari Warriors 2, The Simpsons: Bart vs the World, Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Bomberman, Castlequest, Rad Racer 2, Flying Warriors, Pinball Quest, Clu Clu Land, and Solomon's Key.

Today holds a few milestones for my collection.  Firstly, these 13 games are (I believe) the largest pickup in one day that I have had since this collection started and secondly this push puts my collection over the 400 mark of total carts!!!  The obvious standouts for me would be the two black box games I added to the collection (Wrecking Crew and Clu Clu Land), Dragon's Lair, Bomberman and A Boy and his Blob.   

This brings the game count to:  406

1 comment:

  1. Still can't believe all those juicy games were just around the corner all this time patiently waiting to be YOURS. I'm on my way down to the shop right now to see those 'fat stacks' taking up 'mad volume' on your shelves! Congrats on reaching 400! This is one of my favorite posts!
