Sunday, 17 May 2015

NES Pickups - May 14-17th, 2015

During my recent father/son trip to Kamloops I picked up a Retron 1 top loading NES console and a new game.  On our way back to Kelowna we stopped in at All-A-Board-Games and picked up the aforementioned console as well as the game Exodus. The guy at the store chuckled a little under his breath and said, well I guess you're all set to play your Bible Game.  Besides a few imported multi-carts this was the only game I didn't have.

On Saturday after work I picked up a Nintendo Advantage controller (as well as an Atari2600 system and some games -- blog entry about this later) from one of my regular traders and then today I went back to his house and traded him an old system of mine I had no interest in keeping for my 500th NES title, Toki, as well as a mint copy of Dragon Warrior III.  

Highlights of this week are everything!  A top loading system so that I can actually play and test my NES games, the NES Advantage controller, and reaching my milestone 500th title with an awesome game in Toki!  Toki is a title I've been trying to get for awhile and so I was very excited to pick this one up. Picking up an uncommon double in Dragon Warrior III was a nice consolation too!

Nes Carts:  500

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