Thursday 16 August 2012

Weekly-ISH update? August 6th - 16th, 2012

Hmm... this one's a little bit late, but I've been waiting for a package from ebay for awhile before I did an update.  Gotta love tracking #s that stop updating after the package leaves the sort facility. Have to admit I was starting to wonder when I hadn't got an update in 10 days on the whereabouts of this box of goodness, but it arrived today so all is well!

Let's start with last Tuesday....

I traded a friend from work for 4 games I didn't have.  In return he got 3 games and an RF cable.  Nice guy that he is, he even threw in several manuals and some pages he had torn out of his Nintendo Power magazines that show cheats, maps, powerups and other cool facts. (see pics below).

As  you can see, some very cool additions!  I had to pry Gunsmoke from his 'vulcan grip' like grasp.  It was also cool to get Maniac Mansion.  I remember playing the mini-game version of this in the PC game Day of the Tentacle.  Those point and click adventures were some of my favorites of the day and I have a lot of fond memories of the King's Quest Series, Return to Zork, Police Quest, Sam & Max: hit the road, and who could ever forget the Leisure Suit Larry games!

Those games provided hours of fun.  It was so cool to discover new things you could do with your environment by trying different actions out.  One of my favorite discoveries was realizing (in Sam and Max) that Max was the more ruthless of the pair and that if you utilized his gift for violence you could finish some of the more interesting puzzles in the game.  For instance, when a baddie was stuck on a stairwell railing by his chin I tried to see if Sam could fix the scenario, but to no avail. Instead, I switched to Max who calmly walked up to the 'stuck' bad guy and flicked him off like a bug.  Much laughter ensued.

Wow!  That was a tangent... So from this trade I got the following:

Maniac Mansion
and Kid Kool w/manual

I also got the manuals for the control deck and Zapper, Megaman 3, TMNT, and SMB3.  Thanks again K!

Yesterday I was out running errands and just decided that I'd stop in a my local Value Village and to my surprise there was an actual NES game on the shelves with the hordes of PC games of yesteryear. From there I picked up Toobin'.

For me this was a good find because usually the only games there are the SMB/Duckhunt cart and several baseball games that shall remain nameless.  To find a Tengen black cart in such good shape was a rarity for sure.

And then today I finally received my ebay package I had been waiting for all week, so rather than wait until Sunday to do this update I decided I'd add it now.

The games in the lot were as follows:

Balloon Fight 
Urban Champion
Metal Mech
Adventures of Gilligan's Island
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers
Kirby's Adventure
Mighty bombjack
and Ikari Warriors

Standouts from this lot in my opinion would be the two Black box games: Urban Champion and Balloon Fight and of course Kirby's Adventure.  I'll add Chip and Dale too as I have yet to find a bad game made by Capcom and I do remember playing this one as a kid.

Well that's it... till the next Weekly-ISH update.   Thanks for reading!


Player One Score:   302

Wow. I've made it over the 300 game plateau!  Thanks to all for their generosity and willingness to barter, negotiate, and part with these treasures.  I assure you they've found a good home.


  1. Like the additions! Looking forward to reading more about your collecting adventures!

  2. Glad to help. I should get a copy of that app you have so when I am in other cities, I can check to see what they have and if you need it!
